The Bṛhat-Trayī, consisting of Carakasaṃhitā, Suśrutasaṃhitā, and Aṣṭāṅgahṛdaya, is an encyclopaedic reference set in Āyurveda. However, the need for simpler texts led to the emergence of the Laghu-Trayī that includes Mādhavanidāna, Śārṅgadharasaṃhitā, and Bhāvaprakāśa. Authored by Ācārya Bhāvamiśra in the 16th century CE, Bhāvaprakāśa is a comprehensive work focused on medicine. The classification system of varga in its nighaṇṭu section, Bhāvaprakāśanighaṇṭu, categorizes substances based on type, origin, and medicinal properties. This valuable resource assists practitioners and researchers in Āyurveda. We present this information in an accessible manner to promote wider utilization of this knowledge. We create a robust ontology to capture the semantic information of medicinal substances, designing user-friendly interfaces for efficient annotation and curation, perform meticulous manual annotation on Bhāvaprakāśanighaṇṭu, and construct an accurate knowledge graph from three chapters of Bhāvaprakāśanighaṇṭu. The system is accessible at
[Best Poster Award]