Sangrahaka: A Tool for Annotating and Querying Knowledge Graphs
Hrishikesh Terdalkar,
Arnab Bhattacharya
August, 2021
We present a web-based tool Sangrahaka for annotating entities and relationships from text corpora towards construction of a knowledge graph and subsequent querying using templatized natural language questions. The application is language and corpus agnostic, but can be tuned for specific needs of a language or a corpus. The application is freely available for download and installation. Besides having a user-friendly interface, it is fast, supports customization, and is fault tolerant on both client and server side. It outperforms other annotation tools in an objective evaluation metric. The framework has been successfully used in two annotation tasks.
Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, August 2021.
[Best Software Award at 57th Convocation IITK]
Hrishikesh Terdalkar
Postdoctoral Researcher
My research lies in the intersection of Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, and Graph Databases with a particular emphasis on low-resource languages such as Sanskrit and other Indian languages. I am committed to pioneering innovations that have a real-world impact. I enjoy building user-friendly GUIs and CLIs for various applications. My interests also include Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Retrieval, and Data Mining.